Maharshi's blog

Be multidimensional, anon

People usually say "escape the matrix". But how? One way that I can think of is by being multidimensional.

Being multidimensional means recognizing and nurturing the various aspects that make you who you are. Just like a prism splitting white light into different colors, imagine yourself to be made of those different "colors". You have a unique permutation of talents, and experiences. By accepting and practising these aspects of yourself, you can grow beyond the limits set by society's standard expectations.

The most interesting part is: you get to define your own dimensions.

For me, growth is a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. It means exploring the unknown parts of your own self, and discovering what makes you content. By embracing your multidimensional nature, you open the door to personal growth too.

In the end, being multidimensional is a path to liberation. It helps us recognize ourselves, and hence our duties. It makes you content while doing your actions without the yearning for the fruits of those actions. Be multidimensional and escape the matrix, anon.

be multidimensional, Arjuna

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